Event  /  November 21, 2025, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

6th Day of Immune Research 2025

On the Day of Immune Research, current topics in the field of immune-mediated diseases will be presented and discussed across disciplines and across institute borders. Current challenges are to be discussed and new solutions shall be jointly developed. The Day of Immune Research is intended to serve as an information and exchange platform and to contribute to the advancement of immune research.

In the spirit of a sustainable and consistent strategy of applied immunology research, it is very important for us at Fraunhofer CIMD that the bundeld expertise of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and external partners be implemented in the projects of the research cluster.

Your ideas, suggestions and abstracts


At the Day of Immune Research, you can present your own work and projects and discuss challenges and new approaches with us. To be able to talk to you specifically about potential cooperation opportunities within the Fraunhofer CIMD, we would kindly ask you to submit project, technology, and/or cooperation ideas in the form of an abstract. These ideas can be presented and discussed as poster presentations during the Day of Immune Research.

Poster categories could include:

• Research projects (planned, ongoing, finished)

• Industrial or publicly funded projects

• Cooperation possibilities (e.g., looking for a consortium for an EU-call or need for an (industrial) partner for a project)

• Unsolved research problems